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Whatever the source of your acute or chronic pain, working with a
can help with your recovery, whether from an accident, sports injury, dental intervention, surgical procedure, childbirth, or another source.
If you’d like help with acute or chronic pain, book a session in Geneva or Divonne today.
Understanding different types of pain
Acute pain can be alarming and is the initial pain we experience from a physical accident or illness. Characteristically it is intense and localised. Fortunately, by managing acute pain in its very early stages, we can significantly improve the chances of fully resolving it.
Chronic pain, on the other hand, is the term used to describe pain that lasts for more than three months. It can be depressing to deal with and is often caused when injuries are left untreated. The result is that they gradually become more complicated and affect other systems, triggering a negative feedback loop within our bodies.
Managing acute pain
Managing acute pain is something that should be done promptly. For example, a fall from a bike onto a hip and shoulder may produce bruising and stiffness. Muscles contract to protect injury sites, and inflammation occurs to encourage the healing process.
This pain can be treated with hot and cold compresses, arnica gel, and mild analgesics combined with gentle massage and mobilisation. Correcting any misalignment is pretty straightforward at this stage.
Managing chronic pain
Managing chronic pain is complex. The same fall from a bike left untreated could lead to stiffness and a limp, with the inflammation becoming permanent. Tight, contracted muscles will cause other muscles to assume their duties, which in turn can become painful and fatigued. The body will adapt, with postural compensations kicking in and causing more discomfort. As one compensation triggers another, sleep, breathing and digestion can become compromised. This response spiral can lead to a complex and debilitating scenario that requires more extended, in-depth medical and healing support.
Start your recovery today by booking a consultation.
Craniosacral osteopathy as a pain relief therapy
Even after patients have been prescribed physiotherapy and traditional osteopathy as part of a rehabilitation programme, they can find additional relief through craniosacral and osteopathic massage.
Craniosacral osteopathy is especially effective in calming the nervous system and allowing the body to reach a state receptive to healing and pain relief. Like a few other methods, it can also be used to deepen the effect of different techniques in a comprehensive pain management programme, such as massage and physical manipulations intended to correct posture and tissue relationships.
The following are just a few causes of pain that can be treated and managed by craniosacral osteopathy.
myofascial and joint pain
headache, migraine and tinnitus
head, face and neck (orofacial) pain
back pain
sciatica and scoliosis
abdominal pain and tightness
pain as a secondary effect of a disease or illness.
Start your recovery today by booking a consultation.
Craniosacral therapy has also proven effective in helping to manage stress[ADD LINK TO STRESS PAGE] resulting from injury, accident, life circumstances and underlying depression.
Chronic Pain Management
Management of chronic pain has become a massive problem in the western world. Whilst it has become a topic of widespread study amongst the medical and scientific community in recent years, practical pain management has been the subject of research and development in other cultures for millennia.
Fortunately, both systems have learned and continue to learn an enormous amount from each other. And, because we now understand the psychosomatic impacts so much better, we now have a myriad of pain management solutions and therapies we can call on as part of our chronic pain management toolkit.
These range from hands-on therapies that address structural issues within the body, like craniosacral osteopathy, physiotherapy, massage, osteopathy and chiropractic, to healing therapies like craniosacral massage, reflexology and energy work.
Movement therapies like yoga, Pilates, the Alexander technique and Feldenkrais used in combination with structural and healing therapy have also proven to work wonders in some cases.
As a pain management specialist, I understand how to create a comprehensive pain management programme to support you in:
Managing chronic lower back pain
Treating chronic knee pain
Treating chronic shoulder pain
Postoperative pain management
Other long-term pain management
Get the help you need to manage a chronic pain issue by booking your consultation today.
Natural Pain Relief
As a practitioner, I take an integrative approach to health and my treatment of patients. [ADD LINK TO ABOUT THE WORK].
Understanding their circumstances, their lifestyle, and the trigger for their pain, be it acute or chronic, are essential in treating and managing pain.
I also work with craniosacral osteopathy to help alleviate stress, improve mobility, and support people as they age—[ADD LINKs to relevant page].